Saturday 18 July 2009

My first family trip!

On 10/7, mum n dad took me for a holiday to Iona Island and Isle of Skye... We did the free & Easy way because the tour agencies don't take kids under age of 5. So we had to take bus, ferry and train for the whole journey...

First time on a ferry, ok dad, you jump, I jump... (just kidding!)

Welcome to Island of Iona... the island is small but very very beautiful! just like me haha...

Got my private chauffeur... dad did the walking, I sat behind comfortably while enjoying the scenery.

Long bus rides to Isle of Skye... I hate travelling by bus! Help~!

Here we are, at Isle of Skye, beautiful place, fantastic scenery...
This is what I saw every morning when I open my window...